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ইংরেজি ইসলামিক উক্তি (Quotes)

(আপডেট: ২৯/৭/১৫)
আমরা অনেক সময় প্রিয়জনের কাছে SMS/MMS এর মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন ধরনের বার্তা পাঠিয়ে থাকি। এছাড়া ফেসবুক বা অন্যান্য সামাজিক যোগাযোগ ওয়েবসাইটেও বিভিন্ন ধরনের উক্তি পোস্ট করে থাকি। এখানে এমনই কিছু ইসলামিক উক্তি আমরা সংগ্রহ করেছি আপনাদের জন্য:

Do not let your tongue mention someone’s faults. You are also full of faults, and others have tongues too.

Don’t regret losing someone that didn’t love you. They will one day regret losing someone that loved them. Chin up May Allah be with you.

Don’t build your marriage on your feelings that constantly change. Build your marriage on your faith in Allah.

Rejection can be utterly disappointing, but we must never forget that every door that closes is a redirection to something that is better for us.

When the world doesn’t understand you just remember, Allah does!

Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.

Our parents are blessings, don’t delay showing them love. We don’t know how long we have this blessing for. May Allah grant our parents with the highest ranks in Jannah. Ameen.

No one to talk to about your worries and problems? Have you tried talking to the Best of All Listeners?

Let not your happiness depend on temporary things or temporary people. Happiness comes from Allah!

How fortunate are those who love Allah. They never have to depart from their Beloved.

Every parent should remember that one day their kids will follow their footstep/example instead of their advice.

It is purity of heart that matters, not the external appearance.

If Allah wills for it to happen, it will happen. Don’t stress yourself! Keep smiling and have faith in His plan for you!

Allah is beautiful and loves beauty, BUT Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, rather He looks at your heart and actions.

May Allah grant our parents with the highest ranks in Jannah. Ameen.

When you choose a spouse, you’re choosing a lot of things, including someone who’ll deeply influence your children. Choose wisely! Choose Deen!

Be happy with the little that you have. There are people with nothing that still manage to smile.

Be with Allah, and everything will be on your side

Allah will never disappoint the sincere caller. Even when you think He hasn’t answered you, He plans in your favour.

If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection.

Sometimes a trial or tribulation is exactly what we need to bring us to the straight path. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.

Happiness is finding pleasure in the worship of Allah.

Dear single brothers and sisters! Be encouraged and wait on Allah. Focus on your self improvement, and Allah will send someone right… just for you.

When you have nothing left except Allah, then you find that Allah is always enough for you.

Alhamdulillah for the gift of Islam which without we would be lost in both this life and the next. Never take your gift for granted.

Prophet (pbuh) said: “The strong man is not the one who wrestles others; rather, the strong man is the one who controls himself at times of anger.” [Sahih Muslim]

Guilt after committing a sin is a blessing from Allah. Do not betray your conscience. Allah gave you an alarm system. Do not disable it.

When you have attained Taqwa, instantaneously you will recognize Barkah in your life.

The best revenge is to treat them better than they treated you; to let your good manners silence them; because you are a better person.

In the world full of never ending expectations the only acceptance you need is the acceptance of Allah.

If we find ourselves returning to the exact same sins after Ramadan, then perhaps Ramadan was just a hunger strike.

All of Allah’s Qadar is good. If only we trusted in Him as He deserves to be trusted, it would become crystal clear to us.

Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month, but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you!

That which brings you closer to Allah is the greatest blessing of all.

When Allah blesses you financially. Don’t raise your standards of living, raise your standards of giving.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day..have you used just one to say ALHAMDULILLAH?

When you make dua, pour your heart out. Remember, nothing is impossible for Allah.

Don’t worry about what other people think. It’s your life and your purpose in life is to please Allah only.

We were not created to please the creation.

Don’t wait for people to be kind, show them how…

Feeling pain? Remember that Allah knows how much it hurts, the wisdom behind it, and how to relieve you of it.

Be kind, be honest, be loving, be true and all of these things will come back to you.

Pray not only because you need something, but because you have a lot to be thankful for!

Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.

Happiness comes when you stop complaining about the problems you DO have and start being grateful for all the problems you DON’T have.

A sign of Allah’s love for a person is when you see him/her, you are reminded of Allah!

We will definitely lose something at one point or another. Let’s just make sure it is not our connection with Allah.

Praying to Allah is the best solution to come out of stress, depression & bad mood.

Many people turn to Allah when life has them down but forget to keep in touch with Him when He turns it all around.

Salah is the first thing you will be questioned about, so do not make it the last thing on your mind.

Fajr Salah is your first round against Shaytaan, either you knock him out or he puts you to sleep.

Remember to fast with your whole body and not just your mouth. Don’t be of those who just achieve hunger.

When you lose something, don’t think of it as a loss; accept it as the gift that gets you on the path you were meant to travel on.

Always remember there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have.

Go easy on others. You never know what struggles someone is facing in their heart.

Once you have tasted the sweetness of faith, you will always recognize the bitterness of sins.

Most people never truly appreciate their parents until they’re gone.

If you can’t wake up for Fajr, what’s the point of waking up at all?

If the woman is free to show her body, then why isn’t she free to cover it?

Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.

A Muslim is patient because he trusts Allah. A Muslim is kind because he loves Allah. A Muslim smiles because he is grateful to Allah.

Allah does not need our fasting from food and water if we cannot fast from cursing and backbiting.

May Allah make us from among those who brighten up another person’s path with happiness, even when our own is clouded with darkness. Ameen

When you stand composed in salah, be honored that you’ve been blessed to connect with Allah.

In the past people learned Islam from the behavior of Muslims. But today we have to tell people “Don’t judge Islam by the actions of the Muslims.” Islam is not what Muslims do, but what they are supposed to do. – Dr Bilal

You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.

Don’t mock those who start practising in Ramadan, this might be their turning point just like you had yours one day.

Live a life in this world like you did in Ramadan. And your life in the hereafter will be like Eid.

The greatest reward is not Jannah, it is to see the face of the Creator of Jannah! O Allah, please grant us this great blessing. Ameen!

Love of music and the love of the Quran can cannot coexist in the same heart. One displaces the other.

If we look at our problems as problems, they’ll continue to hold us down. See them as blessings in disguise and that’s what they will truly become Hidden Blessings.

If they can’t love Allah, their love for you will always be fundamentally flawed.

Why do you rush while you perform Salah? Isn’t the one you are standing in front of in control of whatever you are rushing for?

Fasting is not about a diet of burning calories. It’s about burning ego, pride and sins.

Do not become angry, and Paradise will be yours.

If you are a true Muslim, you will face a lot of really hard choices between right and wrong. Be tough. Choose right no matter it costs.

No matter how hurt you are, you will always find comfort with Allah.

The one who points the way to good deeds is like the one who does them.

Keep your parents smiling. They spent their days, and nights keeping you from crying.

When you choose a spouse you are choosing the parent, teacher and role model for you future children. Choose wisely. Beauty isnt everything.

If Allah is with you, never to worry who is against you.

Whoever slanders to you about others, will slander about you. And whoever reports to you, will soon report about you.

Praying five times a day doesn’t make you a religious person. It makes you a Muslim.

Alhamdulillah. He takes but replaces with things even better than you can imagine.

How can a person know that the first question on the day of Judgement will be about Salah and still not pray?

Any person who reminds you to fear Allah is your true companion.

It’s very unfortunate that people think success is “Money”. Success is peace of mind and peace inside the heart, which is achieved only through Islam.

O Allah, allow us to witness Ramadan, benefit from it, use it to earn Your pleasure and mercy, and emancipation from the Fire. Ameen

Soft words soften the hearts that are harder than rock. Harsh words harden the hearts that are softer than silk.

Allah singled out fasting for Himself from all other good deeds, because of its honoured status before Him, because He loves it and because it is a demonstration of sincerity towards Him, as it is a secret between a person and his Lord, which no one can see except Allah.

Making a million friends isn’t a miracle. A miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.

Do you look down on others? “He’s fat, she’s ugly.” Don’t be arrogant and ungrateful. Allah gave you everything. He can also take it away.

Allah sometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us but to cleanse us.

When we are consumed by the hatred of our enemies, we have given them power over us; power over our sleep, our mind, our health, and our happiness. Forgive instead and be liberated.

Always remember, Allah doesn’t need you. It’s YOU who need Allah. Work hard to please Him.

Making a million friends isn’t a miracle. A miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.

Our parents are blessings, don’t delay showing them love. We don’t know how long we have this blessing for.

Don’t live your life with “hate” in your heart for anyone. You’ll end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate.

Nothing should be too small for us: no good deed is so trivial that we scorn at it. We should strive to do every single good deed that we can, while keeping in mind that, as the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Allah likes most the consistent deeds.” Dr Bilal

We’ll never understand the true meaning of giving until we give to people we know will never be able to pay us back.

If you ever feel upset, open the Quran and read for a few minutes. Nothing is more soothing than the speech of Allah.

Many of us think, “I’m young, I have all the time in the world to change myself”…look around you though, young people are dying everyday!

If Jannah is your dream, hold tight to your Deen!

Be sincere in your aims and you will find the support of Allah surrounding you.

Work together with your husband/wife to have the kind of marriage that makes your kids want to grow up and get married someday inshaAllah!

Don’t sacrifice the enjoyment of the Akhriah (hereafter) for the enjoyment of the dunya.

Don’t let a calamity/problem/disease be the ONLY reason you think of your Rabb.

Allah always listens to your prayer, we just have to be patient for the answer.

Don’t turn down and shrug off the people who love and care for you. Today they’re here, tomorrow they won’t be.

If you are at a hardship then realise that Allah already knows you can go through it. He doesn’t burden a soul more than it can bare.

Be somebody in the eyes of Allah, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people!

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Good deeds should be done with intention, not for attention.

Teaching your daughters to cover up is very important. However, teaching your sons not to stare is as equally important.

If you truly believe in the power of Dua, why are you so slow to ask for it?

Don’t think of the things you didn’t get after praying. Think of the countless blessings Allah gave you without asking!

Allah is the one who can do the unexpected. We have to believe that even though situations may seem hopeless, Allah can always solve the problem.

May Allah reach us to Ramadan and many more and may He make us better Muslims from today. Ameen.

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

If you are honest enough to admit when you are wrong, others will be more willing to accept when you are right.

If you can’t battle the shaytan and your nafs at Fajr then you’ve lost the war for the day.

A righteous spouse who will help you in religious and worldly affairs is better than all the treasures of this world.

Never let your Salah be a mindless routine. Pray to reflect, to review and more importantly to remember.

We are all authors of our own books, that will be presented on the day of Judgement. Do your BEST to make it a GOOD read!

Don’t stay in a haram relationship with the intention of making it halal someday. Who promised you tomorrow?!

The only relationship where you will never have your heart broken is your relationship with Allah.

Don’t limit your relationship with the Quran from Ramadan to Ramadan. Keep your relationship throughout the year by reading it daily!

Some won’t appreciate you no matter how much you do for them. Do good anyway, Allah will repay you.

In this world, there’s always going to be people who are better then you. So stop comparing yourself to others, and just be the best you.

If shaytan defeats you by causing you to sin, then do not allow him to defeat you a second time by stealing your hope in Allah’s forgiveness.

Make the Quran your best friend; the more you sit with it, the more it honours you, gives you its secrets and elevates your status.

Fajr is an amazing prayer, it helps us to start the day with the remembrance of Allah. Do your best not to miss this blessing.

Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen every day, so never stop believing. Allah can change things very quickly in your life.

No matter how pretty your face is, you will still be the food of worms. So set aside your arrogance and remember your grave.

Choose a halal way and leave the haram way behind. When you choose the halal way, Allah will make a way for it to reach you.

The best revenge is to treat them better than they treated you; to let your good manners silence them; because you are a better person.

If you keep reminding your heart about Allah, there will come a time when your heart will remind you of Allah.

You may feel lonely but you really have the best company ever … Allah!

Don’t be sad if Allah separates you from something or someone you love. If only we knew what His plans were for us, our hearts would melt with the warmth of His love.

Having a Boyfriend/Girlfriend is not something to be proud of, but something to be ashamed of. If you truly love someone then get married because true love starts after Nikah.

Think of all the acts you would hate to be doing whilst the angel of death comes to take your soul. Then give them up for the sake of Allah.

Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.

We are never too busy to pray Salah. It’s just a matter of priorities.

It’s easy to sit down and complain about your life. If you don’t get up and do something about it, it’s not going to change.

Know that you cannot love Allah until you love obeying Him.

Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.

If you want to marry a good looking person, make sure they acts upon the teaching of Islam otherwise their beauty is useless.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for the truth, even if that means you will be standing alone.

Don’t compare your results to someone else’s. You can never be another person, you can only be a better version of yourself.

Be a Muslim that wants to pray, not the one that thinks he has to. There is a massive difference between the two.

Love for the sake of Allah is a journey that leads you to the worthiest of destinations. Do not settle for anything less.

Happiness isnt in wealth, it is in being content with what you have.

A tongue has no bones yet breaks hearts. Think before you speak!

Never think you can choose better for yourself than Allah can. It is He who created you; it is He who knows what is best for you.

Choose a halal way and leave the haram way behind. When you choose the halal way, Allah will make a way for it to reach you.

Whoever Allah guides, none can misguide. Whoever He misguides, none can guide.

Simplicity brings Barakah. Use the wealth Allah has blessed you with wisely. You will be held accountable for every penny you spend.

Nothing is more beautiful than a friend who helps you practise your deen (religion). Be that kind of a friend.

The hardest thing is to give up something you love, for the sake of Allah. But remember Allah never takes without giving something better.

The beautiful thing about calling out to your Lord is that you don’t always have to put your feelings into words.

Make your anger so expensive that no one can afford it and make your happiness so cheap that people can almost get it free.

You can either sit down and be depressed by the darkness of the night, or stand up and appreciate the beauty of the stars.

Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month, but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you.

The Sahaba used to cling to the Sunnah just because it was Sunnah. Today we abandon the Sunnah, just because it’s Sunnah!

People cannot survive in this world without friends. And much of the evil that most people experience is because of their friends. We have to give good consideration to whom we take as friends.

Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid – Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance’

Arrogance and pride were the reasons Shaytaan was expelled from paradise. Do not let it be the reason you don’t enter paradise.

Work together with your husband/wife to have the kind of marriage that makes your kids want to grow up and get married someday in sha Allah!

Some people don’t understand how blessed they truly are. Be thankful for what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have.

We love ourselves even after making so many mistakes. Then how can we hate others for their small mistakes?

Sometimes negative things turn into positives. Sometimes in difficult situations you actually find blessings.

When you give someone charity be thankful to them. You may be fixing their dunya, but they are fixing your akhirah.

When you give someone charity be thankful to them. You may be fixing their dunya, but they are fixing your akhirah.

Heal your hearts with the Quran. It is a medicine that doesn’t expire, and removes from the heart whatever there is of stress, worry and sadness.

If you want guaranteed success, make every effort to please Allah.

Dont forget to thank Allah for every good He has blessed you with and every bad He has saved you from.

Teach your kids Quran, and Quran will teach them everything.

If you truly care for somebody, make dua for them. If you truly dislike somebody, make dua for them. Dua is universal. It heals everything.

Don’t be afraid to get married because you don’t have a lot of money. It is Allah who provides. Trust Allah! He will make a way out for you.

Pain and suffering only becomes negative if it creates a barrier between you and Allah.

Islam does not attach virtue to personalities. “Shaykh and I are close buddies” doesn’t mean anything. Be close to Allah, that is special.

Life is filled with smiles, happiness, tears, and pain. You know the best part about it? Allah is with you every step of the way.

Faith is trusting Allah even when you don’t understand His plan. And Allah is the best of planners.

True faith is going down in sujood to beseech Allah – knowing that He already knows what we are asking from Him, and that He will respond with something even better.

If you are looking for your true love, you will find it in the love of Allah!

Worries end when Salah begins. Praying to your Creator makes everything so much better.

What is haram (forbidden) will always be haram even if the whole world engages in it.

True success is when you make it Jannah. So work more for the Akhira if you want true contentment and happiness. In sha Allah!

Putting others down does not lift you up.

Prayer is a symbol of equality, for the poor and the rich, the low and the high, the rulers and the ruled, the educated and the unlettered, the black and the white, all stand in one row and prostrate before One Lord.

Work together with your husband/wife to have the kind of marriage that makes your kids want to grow up and get married someday in sha Allah!

Whenever you encounter hardships in life, remember that this is Allah’s plan for you. The outcome of His plans will be a great blessing.

Bad things in life open your eyes to those things you weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah too!

Nothing is impossible for Allah. Pour your heart out to Him and ask whatever you need from Him. He can and He will take care of you.

No matter how hurt you are, you will always find comfort with Allah.

Oh Allah, remove from my heart the love of everything not beloved to You. Ameen

Allah will never disappoint the sincere caller. Even when you think He hasn’t answered you, He plans in your favour.

The only heart worthy of being called a heart is that which is adorned with the love of Allah.

Allah is constantly sending us reminders of how we will return to Him.. How many more reminders do we need to turn back to Him?

Positive thinking isn’t ignoring life’s problems, it’s understanding that Allah can make a way out for you if you sincerely try.

According to Islam’s teachings we should not have a problem accepting mistakes and correcting them, once proof comes to the contrary.

Whoever Allah guides, none can misguide. Whoever He misguides, none can guide.

Getting married is easy but the hardest thing is finding the right partner who’s going to help you maintain and increase your level of Imaan and Taqwa.

Hijab includes the way a person walks, talks, looks and thinks. All of it should be done modestly and applies to both men and women.

Why do you rush while you perform Salah? Isn’t the one you are standing in front of in control of whatever you are rushing for?

Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.

Allah is not an option, Allah is not plan B, Allah is not an alternative. He should be our only priority, our sole purpose in life.

When we are consumed by the hatred of our enemies, we have given them power over us; power over our sleep, our mind, our health, and our happiness. Forgive instead and be liberated.

Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you want. Allah has something better planned for you.

When a man turns to Allah in repentance, he is fulfilling Allah’s wish, as well as a part of the reason for his creation. Repentance then becomes an act of righteousness and worship greatly pleasing to Allah.

If you’re helping someone and expecting something in return, you’re doing business not kindness.

As long as you did the best, Allah will handle the rest! The Prophet (pbuh) advised us to tie our camels (take precautions) before trusting in Allah.

If you’re helping someone and expecting something in return, you’re doing business not kindness.

Who can help you get through your problems but Allah?

Our phone batteries drop, so we panic and run towards the charger. Our souls are empty and beg to be recharged, yet we mindfully forget our Salah.

The greatest thing a friend can do for you is bring you closer to Allah.

Ya Allah, help me to remember You, thank You and perfect my worship of You. Ameen.

Real friends want to be neighbours in Jannah.

Everyone has problems but not everyone has Allah. Allah makes all the difference.

If Jannah is your dream, hold tight to your Deen!

Remember that every single beat of your heart is by the permission of Allah. He is in control of everything. We should be grateful.

It’s easy to sit down and complain about your life. If you don’t get up and do something about it, it’s not going to change.

In the end, Allah’s opinion is the only one that matters. What people say or think about you does not matter.

Be kind to people. The person you took for granted today may turn out to be the only person you need tomorrow.

When talking about marriage, Allah says your spouses are garments for you. A garment may or may not fit perfectly–but either way, it covers imperfections, protects, and beautifies.

Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.

Let your heart tell Allah that you love Him and let your actions tell others that you love Allah.

Thankfulness helps to create a sense of balance in life. It creates a sense of responsibility for others, since whatever good one has is from Allah.

The term “LOWER YOUR GAZE” applies on facebook/twitter just as it applies in real life. Remember Allah is watching.

When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our mind, our health, and our happiness. Forgive instead.

All the money in the world won’t buy you happiness. Verily, it’s in the remembrance of Allah, hearts finds rest.

If we look at our problems as problems, they’ll continue to hold us down. See them as blessings in disguise and that’s what they will truly become Hidden Blessings.

When someone becomes a Muslim they need more than kind words, they need friendship and support.

You hate your life, while some people dream of having your life.

Hard times are bound to happen but how you deal with it is what really matters. Do you tell your problems to Allah or let them get to you?

Being happy isn’t Haraam, unless if that what makes you happy is Haraam.

Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you.

Everyone should realize that every act of disobedience is a type of fighting or war against Allah. Whoever disobeys Allah is fighting against Him. But the greater the sin, the greater is the battle against Allah.

Do not undermine any kind deed, even if it is to meet your Muslim brother with a cheerful face.

When Shaitan is close and strong, remember Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein, and all it takes is a Dua to gain strength from Him.

Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart according to Allah’s Laws. Not someone who plays with it according to their desires.

Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame.

Make matters well between you and Allah, and Allah will make matters well between you and people.

Allah does not love sins, but He loves to forgive. Allah does not love sinners, but He loves repenters.

Shaytaan will try to make you think you’re too sinful to be forgiven, but remember true believers have hope in the mercy of Allah.

Allah loved you even before your parent’s were able to show you kindness.

Don’t panic and lose hope even if there’s a mountain in your path…talk to the One who created the mountains.

The path to Jannah is never going to be easy. Good things are worth striving for.

Allah sometimes removes a person from your life for your own good. Don’t run after them.

When we lose someone or something it is a reminder that nothing in this world is permanent.

Think of all the acts you would hate to be doing whilst the angel of death comes to take your soul. Then give them up for the sake of Allah.

When you decide to trust Allah, you will reduce a lot of stress in your life.

Allah has a plan. A plan far greater than you can imagine. Stop worrying, stop stressing, and trust Him!

Why create a Haram love story when a Halal love story has already been written for you by Allah.

In doing everything for the sake of Allah you remove the chance of being hurt if someone disappoints you in returns.

Talk to Allah and tell Him your problems, because only He can solve them.

A wife and a husband should be regarded as friends for the sake of Allah. And that friendship is above material needs; each encouraging the other one to do good deeds, which are pleasing to Allah.

The best gift you can give to children, is teaching them to pray.

Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid – Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance’.

Think of all the acts you would hate to be doing whilst the angel of death comes to take your soul. Then give them up for the sake of Allah.

In the grand scheme of things, we are smaller than a speck of dust yet Allah listens to our supplications when we lift our tiny hands.

Don’t stop making dua thinking it’s impossible – nothing is impossible for Allah.

May Allah keep us firm on His obedience and on that which He loves and is pleased with. Ameen

The only factor which can elevate us in the sight of Allah (subhana wa ta’la) is ‘Taqwa’ or righteousness in our hearts.

When you finally realize that nothing is permanent in this life, you will become more tolerant, more forgiving and less judgemental.

Being prevented from something good means you are being pointed toward something better.

Never give up on yourself! Even when things seem difficult, be patient, make dua, work hard, and rely on Allah.

The graveyards are a strong reminder that the dunya is temporary!! A silent place with a loud message.

Going through hardship? Turn to Allah and force yourself to be patient. Sooner or later you will see how that hardship was a blessing.

Don’t look down on others because they had a bad past. Remember they could create the best future and you’d have lost out by belittling them.

We rarely remember Allah, we rarely spend time reading the Quran and then we wonder why we are not happy.

Patience (Sabr) is one of the greatest qualities a believer may possess because life is a series of tests which can only be traversed by Sabr.

If you want guaranteed success, make every effort to please Allah.

Beauty alone doesn’t make a marriage. You will ALWAYS find someone more beautiful in appearance than your spouse. Go for Deen and manners.

Do not let your small drops of sin become a flooding river of regret. Ask Allah to forgive you regularly and return to Him when you go astray.

Don’t commit to someone who isn’t committed to Allah.

Rejection can be utterly disappointing, but we must never forget that every door that closes is a redirection to something that is better for us.

The Quran is not a story being told to you, it is a message that is being sent especially to you.

Don’t worry about other people’s opinions of you. Allah never told you to ‘impress’ people, only to ‘love and care’ for them.

Don’t panic and lose hope even if there’s a mountain in your path…talk to the One who created the mountains.

When you succeed, you earn something. When you fail, you learn something. You need both.

Allah always listens to your prayer, we just have to be patient for the answer.

Sometimes people will reject you but don’t take it personally. At times, Allah uses rejection to give you His direction!

Your friend is he, who mentions Allah to you in your presence and mentions you to Allah in your absence.

For everything a person loses there is a substitute. But for the one who loses Allah, he will never find anything to replace Him!

Take the first step to Allah even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Our phone batteries drop we panic and run towards the charger.Our souls are empty and beg to be recharged yet we mindfully forget our Salah.

Let no relation be dearer to you than Allah… and you won’t be hurt!

Don’t be afraid to get married because you don’t have a lot of money. It is Allah who provides. Trust Allah! He will make a way out for you.

Blessed are those busy worrying about their akhira.

Imagine sleeping without praying Isha, and then waking up in your grave.

We often ask Allah to give us the best wife or husband, but we forget to ask Allah to make us the best to our spouses.

Marriage is not weddings and hand-holding selfies, it is dedication, loyalty, and admiration.

Islam is not a name or a title. It is a way of life.

It is a great honor to be asked for advice, but it is also a big responsibility. Good advice can help people make sound decisions or find the right path in life, while bad advice can have disastrous consequences.

True faith is going down in sujood to beseech Allah – knowing that He already knows what we are asking from Him, and that He will respond with something even better.

Sometimes bad things in life open up your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.

Make matters well between you and Allah, and Allah will make matters well between you and people.

Faith is trusting Allah even when you don’t understand His plan. And Allah is the best of planners.

If you don’t have time for Allah, nothing is going to work out right in your life.

In the end, Allah’s opinion is the only one that matters. What people say or think about you does not matter.

It takes many moments to build respect but can easily be lost in just one quick moment. Be mindful of how you portray yourself to others.

Happiness comes when you stop complaining about the problems you DO have and start being grateful for all the problems you DON’T have.

Let the love of Allah in your heart be the light that guides you through your darkest moments.

Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

The more you trust Allah, the easier it becomes to be patient.

When you’re angry with your parents, imagine life without them.

Do you know one relationship that will never ever leave your heart broken? The relationship between you and Allah. Don’t forget that.

Allah will lift you up when you’re down. He’ll make you strong when you’re weak. He’ll guide your path when you lose your way.

When we pray, Allah hears more than we say, answers with more than we ask, and gives more than we imagine, in His own time and in His own way.

Practising Islam beautifies ones character. If it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy, then you’re doing it wrong.

While you are complaining about all the little problems, somebody is fighting just to live. Say Alhamdulillah.

Close your eyes and imagine what your life would be like if you couldn’t see. Now open your eyes and realize that you’ve been given a gift.

With Allah on your side, the impossible becomes possible.

Everything that happens among the sons of Adam of kufr (disbelief), murder, enmity, hatred, the spread of immorality and zina (adultery/fornication), the wanton display of women’s beauty, drinking alcohol, worshipping idols and other major sins, is all the work of the Shaytaan, in order to prevent people from following the way of Allaah and to corrupt mankind and drag them to the Fire of Hell with him.

Don’t miss Salah for the sake of people. You were born alone and will die alone, you’ll go to the grave alone and be questioned alone on Judgment Day.

The only heart worthy of being called a heart is that which is adorned with the love of Allah.

Before you open your mouth to say you hate your job or your school makes you sick, remember there’s many out there who doesn’t have one.

Guilt is a gift from Allah warning us, that whatever we are doing is violating our souls.

Pray not only because you need something but because you have a lot to be thankful for.

Allah’s Mercy is limitless, so don’t limit yourselves in seeking it.

Allah has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggles, and a reward for your faithfulness. Don’t give up!

You are responsible for your own happiness. If you expect others to make you happy, chances are you’ll always end up disappointed.

Don’t tell a child:“ Go and pray, otherwise you’ll go to hell.“ But tell him/her:“ Come and pray with me, so we can enter Jannah together.”

May Allah keep us firm on His obedience and on that which He loves and is pleased with. Ameen.

Just lifting your hands and praying for a few minutes makes life’s problems seem so much lighter.

The Qur’an does not open up its secrets to you unless you open up your heart to it. The Qur’an does not spill its pearls to the undeserving.

We’ve all been hurt by words before. So before you speak, think about how your words might affect someone else.

Many problems will be resolved quickly and smoothly when you take them to Allah in prayer, not to social networks or friends.

O Allah, wherever you take me in life, enable me to be surrounded by the people that bring me closer to You. Ameen

When you truly take the time to appreciate what you have, you realize you’re already blessed and have everything you need.

Remember to praise Allah for all the goodness that you receive, because you receive it from none other than Him.

If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.

Use your smile to change this world. Don’t let this world change your smile

Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month, but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you.

The more you trust Allah, the easier it becomes to be patient.

When we pray, Allah hears more than we say, answers with more than we ask, and gives more than we imagine, in His own time and in His own way.

Avoid trying to please people at the expense of displeasing Allah, but don’t worry about displeasing people while trying to please Allah

We are so quick to check our phones for messages but so hesitant to check the Quran for the ‘real messages’.

If you have someone in your life that encourages you to practice Islam, consider yourself blessed.

Our parents are blessings, don’t delay showing them love. We don’t know how long we have this blessing for.

Salah is the first thing you will be questioned about, so do not make it the last thing on your mind.

No matter what else you lose, never lose Allah. Allah can replace everything but nothing can replace Allah.

When someone tells you you’re not good enough, use that as motivation to do better in life and prove them wrong.

A Muslim’s goal in life is to strive for Allah’s love- if Allah loves him then his life will be blessed.

When you have nothing left except Allah then you will find that Allah is always enough for you.

If Allah supports you, then no one can defeat you.

When you lose something, don’t think of it as a loss; accept it as the gift that gets you on the path you were meant to travel on.

Never forget Allah is by your side. He loves you more than a mother loves her child, so don’t be shy to pour your heart out to Him and cry!

No matter how hard you work, you will not be successful without the help of Allah. Help yourself by asking for the help of Allah.

Only to Allah we should complain our sorrows and troubles, He can recompense us for every pain, or every loss with which is better.

Life cannot become boring when we establish contact with the One who gives happiness.

Just because you’re young and healthy doesn’t mean death won’t come to you. Death has no age. We should always be prepared.

Life cannot become boring when we establish contact with the One who gives happiness.

Don’t be disappointed when something doesn’t work out the way you want it to. Allah is only protecting you, and wants to give you something better.

The closer you want to be with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the akhirah, the closer you need to be to his Sunnah in the Dunya.

Allah’s Mercy is limitless, so don’t limit yourselves in seeking it.

Allah always listens to your prayer, only we have to be patient for the answer.

If we all just took one moment a day everyday, to reflect on how much Allah does for us, we would never dare to complain again.

One day, you’ll be just a memory for everyone. Do your best to make that memory a good one.

May Allah remove all your pains, worries and bring you happiness. Ameen

The closer you want to be with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the akhirah, the closer you need to be to his Sunnah in the Dunya.

The heart and the mind are the most powerful organs that Allah has blessed us with. Never ever give control of them to anyone besides Allah.

Being a Muslim is not a hobby. It is a heart change followed by a lifestyle change.

Sometimes Allah humbles us by bringing us to our knees by breaking our arrogance.

The beautiful thing about calling out to your Lord is that you don’t always have to put your feelings into words.

The real winners are the people of Jannah. May Allah make us from amongst them.

The only relationship where you will never have your heart broken is your relationship with Allah.

No matter what else you lose, never lose Allah. Allah can replace everything but nothing can replace Allah.

Worried? Frustrated? Sad? Depressed? Stressed? Let’s pray it all away. In sujood we’ll find the greatest comfort and feel our souls lighten.

Don’t rush your salah for anything because you’re standing in front of the One who is in charge of whatever you’re rushing for.

A believer never complains about Allah’s plan for us – we submit to that which He has written for us without any objections.

May Allah keep us firm on His obedience and on that which He loves and is pleased with. Ameen

Ya Allah, make us good Muslims, upright in our deen, forgive our sins and unite us with our beloved ones in Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Ameen.

Sacrifices are tough, but when you do it for the Sake of Allah knowing that Allah’s reward awaits you, that makes it all the more worth it.

Let the love of Allah in your heart be the light that guides you through your darkest moments.

In the past people learned Islam from the behavior of Muslims. But today we have to tell people “Don’t judge Islam by the actions of the Muslims.” Islam is not what Muslims do, but what they are supposed to do.

Sometimes negative things turn into positives. Sometimes in difficult situations you actually find blessings.

If you really want to know if someone cares and loves you, just see whether they take you towards sin or if they protect you from it.

Worried? Frustrated? Sad? Depressed? Stressed? Let’s pray it all away. In sujood we’ll find the greatest comfort and feel our souls lighten.

Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.

Make matters well between you and Allah, and Allah will make matters well between you and people.

Spend time with your parents, treat them well. Because one day, when you look up from your phone, they won’t be there anymore.

When calling others to Islam, it is also important to remember that the call is to the message of Islam and not necessarily conversion to Islam.

Fajr is an amazing prayer, it helps us to start the day with the remembrance of Allah. Do your best not to miss this blessing.

Be a Muslim that wants to pray, not the one that thinks he has to. There is a massive difference between the two.

Every time you give up something for the Sake of Allah, He will keep replacing it with something better.

When facing any hardship, trust in Allah and be patient. For surely with every hardship comes ease.

Listening to the Quran from a young age helps one develop a love and attachment to the Quran. Lets encourage our children to do this.

Don’t let shaytan beat you twice; first by making you sin, then by stealing your hope in Allah’s forgiveness.

If we only knew the spiritual blessings in serving & being dutiful to our parents, then we would never be neglectful of them.

He who avoids complaint invites happiness – Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him)

Sometimes Allah takes things away from us to remind us that this dunya is temporary and everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him.

If we only knew the spiritual blessings in serving & being dutiful to our parents, then we would never be neglectful of them.

Allah will lift you up when you’re down. He’ll make you strong when you’re weak. He’ll guide your path when you lose your way.

People remember our bad deeds and forget the good we’ve done, whereas the Almighty remembers our good deeds and forgives the bad we’ve done.

O Allah, show us the Truth as truth, and grant us the blessing of following it, and show us falsehood as falsehood, and grant us the blessing of staying away from it. Ameen

The best dawah is your manners. The best naseeha is your example. Spread the beauty of Islam by living it, as an example for others to follow.

Whatever challenge you’re currently facing, it’s no match for Allah. Keep your faith. Allah will always deliver the best for you.

If God could be seen in this life, the tests of this life would be pointless. What makes this life a real test is the fact that we are obliged to believe in Allah without actually seeing Him.

When you feel alone in a dark place with no escape in sight, remember that this world is a test and that Allah is always watching over you.

The fastest way to get hurt is to expect appreciation and reward for every thing you do for others. Do it for Allah’s sake and expect the reward from Him.

When you wake up from a deep sleep with no other reason but to worship your Lord, then know that you have found the purpose of life.

Women are one half of society which gives birth to the other half so it is as if they are the entire society.

Your sins are not greater than Allah’s MERCY!

Learn to live without your worries because Allah will take care of everything. TRUST and HAVE FAITH!

Always remind yourself to repent, no matter how many times you slip up. Allah loves those who repent.

Allah wouldn’t put something difficult in your life if He thought you weren’t strong enough to get through it.

Allah loves you. No matter where you have been, no matter what you have done, no matter how deep you have fallen; there is always forgiveness.

Don’t be embarrassed by who you are; Allah made you perfect! People are going to judge you no matter what you do.

Shaytaan will try to make you think you’re too sinful to be forgiven, but remember true believers have hope in the mercy of Allah.

In the end, Allah’s opinion is the only one that matters. What people say or think about you does not matter.

People will sacrifice sleep to be successful in this world but people won’t sacrifice sleep to be successful in the next world.

If you knew the true value of yourself, you would never allow yourself to be humiliated by committing sins.

In the end, Allah’s opinion is the only one that matters. What people say or think about you does not matter.

Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring.

Life is so much better when we give ourselves the best gift possible – taking some time to remember Allah.

Food for thought. If you had a good friend who was a Satan worshiper and one day he greeted you “Happy Satan’s Day”, and informed you that this was the day that God incarnated as Satan, would you respond to him, “Merry Satan’s Day to you too”?

If you only pray when you’re in trouble… you’re in trouble.

The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.

How fortunate are those that love Allah. They never have to depart from their Beloved.

Be careful from remembering people for it is an illness, and be in the remembrance of Allah for it is a medicine – Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him).

Don’t allow your heart to attach to someone who doesn’t know how to treat their own heart with the medicine of Allah.

Everything happens for a reason. There’s a hidden blessing behind every complication. Have faith in Allah.

If your lifestyle conflicts with Islam, then change your lifestyle and not the Deen.

With every day that Allah gives us, we have an opportunity to get closer to Him. Don’t let a day given by the Almighty be wasted by distancing yourself from Him.

Allah hears your intentions before your lips whisper your request.

When you lose something, don’t think of it as a loss; accept it as the gift that gets you on the path you were meant to travel on.

The greatest thing a friend can do for you is bring you closer to Allah.

Allah does not take without giving. Just be patient.

May our homes and hearts be warmed by our love for Allah and glow with tranquillity, peace and contentment. Ameen!

Never forget Allah is by your side. He loves you more than a mother loves her child, so don’t be shy to pour your heart out to Him and cry.

Trials will always be there because we are not yet in Jannah.!

The more love you have for Allah, the less love you have for the dunya.

People come into your life either as a blessing or a lesson, there’s benefit in both, take the blessing and learn the lesson.

Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles!

Power or material wealth are not signs of being blessed. Receiving the benefits of Allah’s grace is being blessed.

Problems don’t necessarily mean that everything is falling apart. Sometimes they are an indication that something is definitely going right.

When nikah becomes expensive, zina becomes cheap. Keep weddings as simple and affordable as possible.

Being a Muslim does not mean that you will never have problems. It means that you have Allah and having Him alone is greater than any problem you face.

It’s so easy to comment on sins we think ourselves free from. However, be grateful to Allah because even your strength not to perform that sin is a blessing from Allah.

Allah has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggles, and a reward for your faithfulness. Don’t give up.

Forgiveness is Allah’s provision for sin – not His permission to sin.

Living for Allah means focusing less on who you are, and focusing more on who Allah wants you to be.

Allah will always make a way for you, even when there seems to be no way out.

Oh Allah, remove from my heart the love of everything not beloved to You.

Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know Allah, will come to know Allah because they know you.

Don’t judge anyone when they are down, but judge them on how they rise up. The rise is always harder than the fall.

Allah’s friends are those who are constant and sincere in obedience to Him. A friend (Wali) of Allah is one who is close to Him because of his devotion to Him, through obeying His commands and shunning the acts which he has forbidden.

Salah is not an option, it is an obligation. Plan your day to work around the five daily prayers.

Feeling pain? Remember that Allah knows how much it hurts, the wisdom behind it, and how to relieve you of it.

Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you to be, and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.

When we start to recognize our own weaknesses, we begin to be more forgiving of the weaknesses in others.

Ignoring problems will never make them go away. Face them with the help of Allah, and they can be overcome.

When we pray, Allah hears more than we say, answers with more than we ask, and gives more than we imagine, in His own time and in His own way.

Don’t feel shy to show your weaknesses to Allah, because He is the only one who will help you turn them into strengths.

People remember our bad deeds and forget the good we have done, whereas the Almighty remembers our good deeds and forgives the bad we have done.

Quran contains the ultimate solution for all our problems. It contains a remedy and cure for spiritual, psychological and emotional ailments.

Pleasing people is impossible but pleasing Allah is easy. Strive to please Him and everything else will fall into place.

All too often people concentrate on finding the right spouse, little realizing that half of any marriage is being the right spouse.

The Quran was sent to benefit humankind, not as decoration for our houses. Read it, understand it, immerse yourself in its beauty, apply it and teach it to others.

Nothing is more beautiful than a friend who helps you practise your deen (religion). Be that kind of a friend.

Islam is not a new religion. It is the same message revealed by God to all of His prophets, beginning with Adam and including Abraham, Moses and Jesus. God is not the author of confusion, He only revealed one true religion for humankind; Islam: submission to the will of God.

People often plan to be religious in their old age, when they can no longer enjoy the fast corrupt life. However, they usually die before getting a chance or illness prevents them from the acts of worship they desire to perform.

The Qur’aan states that the essence of prayer is the remembrance of Allah. We pray to remember Allah and to be conscious of Him on a regular basis in order to be guided in our lives.

The more one lies the weaker his faith gets and the more one is truthful, the stronger his faith gets.

Islamic principles do not contradict human reason nor are they unintelligible. Instead, they free the human intellect from irrationality.

The fact that some prayers to others besides Allah appear to be answered does not mean that those called on besides Allah are actually answering them.

Ya Allah only You know the secrets of our hearts, so accept our silent wishes and prayers. Ameen!

Unfortunately some Muslims will line up at stores for hours for a good deal on a sale, but come late to Salah to get what money cannot buy.

We are so busy telling people what Islam isn’t, that we don’t have the chance to tell people what Islam is.

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